I created and organized a shapefile and all of the data for the New York Times' detailed precinct-level results map of the 2020 presidential election in New York state, available to view below.
I created a statewide 2022 election district shapefile for the state of New York for the general election that year, and collected all of the results data at the election district level, available for download below.
I created multiple shapefiles, from election district level to county-level, for a live, interactive election night results dashboard for the NY-03 special election in 2024.
I created multiple shapefiles, from election district level to county-level, for a live, interactive election night results dashboard for the NY-26 special election in 2024.
I researched New York's election and data laws, and, through my own experience working with Boards of Elections, GIS and Planning Departments, and more, proposed a set of major reforms to New York election law.
I wrote a guest column for NY Law School Census and Redistricting Institute on the new New York Voting and Elections Database law passed in 2024, what was included as part of it, what was removed, and potential additional reforms.