Live Results for NY June Primary 2024 Elections

Unofficial Live Results for NY June Primary 2024 Elections

Credit and Thank You

This data and dashboard are provided thanks to the NY State Board of Elections, individual County and City Boards of Elections, U.S. Census Bureau, @cinyc9 and sources kind enough to provide the data and results necessary to build this.

Important Notes

This data is free for anyone to use – however, I ask that anyone who uses it, especially the Election District shapefiles, credits me (Benjamin J. Rosenblatt, or @BenJ_Rosenblatt on Twitter) and @cinyc9 and links to the data for others to use, and so all the other fine folks who helped make this possible receive their due credit. 

I worked very hard to remove the possibility of any errors, but it’s always possible I missed something. If you spot anything that needs to be corrected,
please email me at and I will fix it as soon as I’m able to.

Results shown in the Dashboard below are unofficial

Detailed, election district-level results and the Election District shapefiles will be made available on this page after results are certified.

Unofficial Results Dashboard

Shapefile Notes

  • Original files were from the County/City Boards of Elections and GIS/Planning Departments. I created a geocoded voter file from the State Board of Elections. From there, I created a Census Block Assignment File, checked it against the geocoded voter file, Congressional District block assignment file, Assembly District block assignment file, County Legislative District shapefiles, and more, and split any blocks that needed to be split primarily by using the Census Tiger/LINES shapefiles.

Download the Data

Download the shapefile and certified, Election District-level results file below. For other file formats, or if you have any additional questions, please email me at

NOT YET AVAILABLE -- Will be available after certification of results.

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